Monday, January 11, 2010

My Daughter's Heart

A little girl with chubby hands,
filled with change......
dropping it into the red bucket,
bell ringing

Soft brown eyes filled with tears,
overcome with emotion.........
while her friends hurt
she prays

Our pageant princess on the stage
building confidence.....
fingers crossed behind her
she soars

One day a child the next a woman
learning lifes lessons......
smile of sunshine to my soul
my daughter

Wednesday, December 23, 2009

When You Were Born

Giving birth is the only time a woman is hand in hand with God in creation..........
As I watched my grandchild come into the world, I stood in awe of carefully he planned each fingernail, and eyelash and how they would work.......No way could life have come to be, by a big explosion or a cosmic coincidence..........NO WAY!!.......looking at my daughter and watching her become a partner in creation, gave light to her she was trusting not just me, her husband, the medical staff.....but God.....and how he showed up....with such grandeur and majesty in the form of a small baby......and in the love shown in the lives of each family member and friend gathered around to witness the blessed event.....he never fails.......

Wednesday, December 9, 2009


Glowing embers
flames dancing to and fro
deep within
it's warmth
I am trapped

Saturday, November 28, 2009

Much Life

Looking back and holding on to the memories of my life. I silently pray that, I will never be without them. I am molded and fashioned after the people and events that have twisted and softly maneuvered their ways into my being. I worry as I age that my mind will be empty, void of all the colors of my past, present and future. If only my heart could take charge, it is big enough and bold enough to carry me through to eternity, as it holds everything and everyone so dear to me. My brain may fail me, my fingers may no longer move to record the events as proof that I encountered much life. But my heart will never forget. Even the broken pieces are still alive, and my veins are full of rich memories.

My First

Two wheels
giving wind to our wings
Shifting gears
giving us a new direction
One open road
giving miles of exploring
My heart racing
all the while as I hang on you

Monday, November 23, 2009


Our words can bring healing or destruction
Beauty and charm are deceiving
Common sense out weighs being book smart
What others think about us .....does matter

Saturday, November 7, 2009

A Lovely Lady

Today I drove a lady home from the hospital. A precious little lady, who calls everyone "sweetheart", soft white hair like cotton candy, and a smile as big as the sky above. She's frailing now, but the pictures on her walls are proof that once upon a time she was a beautiful sturdy young woman, with a handsome husband. Her heart is kind to the core. As I helped wrap her in a soft cotton robe, she looked at me with uncertain eyes. I touched her hand and rubbed her shoulder to reassure her that I would take good care of her. Driving away the autumn sun was dashing between tree branches and reflecting through the windows of our van. We passed a park, with a small lake and saw children playing. As I drove I could barely keep my eyes on the road. She was a dainty soul, her lips were dry, and she looked longingly out the window. She spotted some yellow and purple pansies, and commented softly on how lovely they were. I asked her if she thought it would be a good day to sit on a swing in a garden, in our wide brim hats, running our bare toes in the cool grass and sip iced tea? As she wet her parched lips with her tongue, she replied "boy wouldn't it!".